Astrophotography by Rob


Astrophotography Equipment Knowledge Base

This section of the website is to share what I have learnt about the equipment and software that I have used. Basically it will be a summary of the problems  that I have had and how they were solved. If you have had similar experiences and found a better solution to mine please let me know. I will also share improvements that I have made to my system. Please follow the links below to the information.

William Optics Fluorostar 110 (FLT110) lens cell problems

Poor DSLR perfomance

FLT110 field curvature problem

Setup of the Robofous system on the WO FLT110 - coming soon

Poor connection between computer and mount using the direct connection technique - coming soon

Loose USB connection on the QHY-9 camera - coming soon

Internal water in QHY-9 - coming soon


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