Open Clusters
Open star clusters are groupings of stars that are related and held together by thier mutual
gravity. The star clusters are beleived to be the result of them forming from the same gas and dust cloud (ie
nebula). If you want to see a star cluster forming from a nebula see the images in the Nebulae section. For
example the Great Orion Nebula is a wonderful example of this process.
Click the images below for details and larger versions ofthe star cluster images.
M11 - Wild Duck Cluster
NGC 6520 and Bernard 86
Southern Pleiades - IC2602
M6 - Butterfly Cluster
M7 - Ptolemy's Cluster
M44 (Beehive Cluster)
M35 and NGC 2518
M46 and NGC 2438
M45 - Pleiades
M7 in Scorpius