Astrophotography by Rob


Nova Sagittarii 2012 No. 5

Nova Sagittarii 2012 No5

Location: Warrumbungle Observatory, Australia (149 11 E, 31 16 S)

Date: 21 July 2012 starting at 11:40 UTC

Camera: QHY-9

Telescope: William Optics M120

Frames: Three 10 minute luminance frames

Processing: Individual panels stacked in CCDStack, curves, levels and noise reduction in Photoshop CS5.

Note: This nova was discovered on 18 July 2012. Spectra analysys shows it to be a Fe-II type nova. For more information see the AAVSO Alert Notice. I am not into photometry but it appears to be about Mag 10.8 in this image (similar to GSC 6273:592).


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